FMP Evaluation

I enjoyed solving a realistic issue with this project, given the chance I would not change the focus of my…

Installation Day 4 

Today’s task was to work on the presentation of the leaflets. This involved cutting foam board to size and assembling…

Installation Day 3

Today was the final day of installation, which involved adding the final details to the installation. I began by cutting…

Installation: Day 2

The second day of installing involved moving all of the physical work into the exhibition space. This was a relatively…

Installation Day 1

On Monday, we began the preparations for exhibition. To begin with, we were given an introduction to using a drill…

Designing the ticket

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: The problem of too many tickets printed at train station is not only an issue of waste…

Creating the second poster

Initially I planned to use the images of either flying saucers or fried egg sweets (below) in the second poster…